
交易所 novaexchange 挂出了通告,将在 2019年10月7日 停止交易所的功能。具体通知见


2019-09-27 12:54 - Nova Controlled Shutdown - Update on fees

Dear Nova Trader
The Board of Directors of the parent company has decided to set a new course for Nova and reshape the value 
offer into a new crypto trading experience.
This means that on Monday, October 7, trading on Nova Exchange will cease and close. At the same time the 
Nova API will be deactivated.
The Nova Exchange terms & conditions are terminated. New terms & conditions are announced and will come into 
effect automatically 30 days from today's date (September 26, 2019) 

The most important part of this message is this: 
1. This is purely a Business Decision.
2. There has been no hack. 
3. There has been no fraud. 
4. There has not been any wrongdoing of any kind whatsoever.
5. Nova Exchange will not assume responsibility for swaps or forks starting from today onwards. 

这是继2017年 同域名交易所因网站运营权易手关闭后(后新管理层于2019年初重新上线交易所服务)第二次结束交易所服务。

据通告内容所说,结束交易所服务后,网站将转型成为 分享数字资产交易经验的内容类网站,继续在币圈贡献光和热。


处理手机上传的图片的时候, 遇到上传后的图片方向不对的问题,拍摄的时候是竖拍,但上传后照片横过来了。
了解到手机(包括安卓和iOS都是用exif的 Orientation值来标记陀螺仪的水平方向)

要实现在php中读取并修正图像的显示方向,就要用到exif_read_data() 。
查看过php_info 后确认现在的lnmp上并没有这个扩展,代码执行后报错

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function exif_read_data() in ...

从php.ini 中去掉以下两行的注释


确保配置文件对应的 ext目录内有对应的 dll文件,然后重启http服务就好

- 阅读剩余部分 -


  1. 绍酒半碗
  2. 清水半碗(用高压锅水量酌减)
  3. 白糖半碗
  4. 生抽半碗
  5. 陈醋半碗

普通煮法: 大火烧开转小火1小时,直至收汁
高压锅: 烧开上汽压20分钟,消气开盖,重新煮开收汁